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Erikson Institute Mourns Passing of Legendary Co-Founder Barbara Taylor Bowman

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“Students who read books in series develop reading fluency and the linguistic competence necessary to read higher quality material.”

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Paragraph Style. Gotham Book 19px/35px line height. #4E4B48 — Find your graduate program at Erikson Institute, Chicago’s premier graduate school with a 100% focus on early childhood. Join this is a text link (gotham medium) us at the forefront of the field, connecting knowledge to research to policy to inspire leaders.

H3 Style Gotham Book/Bold Option is 38px w/ 45px line height, #000

Paragraph Style. Gotham Book 19px/35px line height. #4E4B48 — Find your graduate program at Erikson Institute, Chicago’s premier graduate school with a 100% focus on early childhood. Join us at the forefront of the field, connecting knowledge to research to policy to inspire leaders and professionals — all in the service of children and families.

H4 Style Gotham Book/Bold Option is 33px w/42px line height, #000

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Life at Erikson Institute

A place for professionals passionate about childhood advocacy.

Learn why Erikson Institute is home to thousands of like-minded, passionate people dedicated to learning, growing, and advocating on behalf of children everywhere.

Special CTA Link

Life at Erikson Institute

A place for professionals passionate about childhood advocacy.

Learn why Erikson Institute is home to thousands of like-minded, passionate people dedicated to learning, growing, and advocating on behalf of children everywhere.

Special CTA Link