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Erikson Institute Mourns Passing of Legendary Co-Founder Barbara Taylor Bowman

Town Square

An innovative online destination and learning community dedicated to helping, informing, and supporting family child care professionals in providing high-quality care for all children.

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The Town Square Website

The Town Square website, developed by Erikson Institute in partnership with the Illinois Department of Human Services and Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development, connects family child care professionals in Illinois to a wealth of free resources that Erikson experts develop and curate, including tip sheets, activities, templates, links, and more.

Providers will also find professional development designed specifically for family child care that counts for clock hours and toward credentialing in the state of Illinois.

The Town Square team are currently working with the states of Indiana and Wisconsin creating Town Square sites and professional learning modules tailored for their state standards.

Visit Town Square

200 +
Family child care-focused resources
40000 +
Resources shared with providers
600 +
In-depth learning modules completed
Visitors to the Town Square website

“Providers are not alone”

Town Square connects home-based child care providers with experts from whom they can learn, share ideas, and get encouragement. This free online resource is for both licensed and license-exempt providers, including relatives and family friends who care for children, and it offers videos, webinars, articles, and advice from experts and peers in your field.

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