Lesson Plan Examples
By: Morgan Russo, Jenna Herdzina
At the TEC Center, our goal is to connect research and practice. Effectively selecting and integrating technology for classroom use is no small feat especially with the deluge of educational platforms and tools available. Understanding when, how, and why to use technology with our youngest children is a complex task and must be done intentionally in order for children to benefit from developmentally appropriate technology use. We believe that through collaboration with researchers, practitioners, and educators we can build a community of passionate individuals who are committed to ensuring all children have equitable, inclusive, and high quality opportunities with technology.
Since 2012, TEC Center has been working with educators and early childhood practitioners to provide professional development on this topic. Below are a few examples of lesson plans, activities, and suggestions for technology use best practices, applicable for preschool through 3rd grade.
Lesson plans published by TEC Center’s professional development participants’, grouped by activity topic:
- Introduction To Technology & Open Exploration
- Connections + Relationships
- Language, Literacy, And Digital Storytelling
- T+S In STEM: Inquiry And Research
- T+M In STEM: Coding And Computational Thinking
- T+E In STEM: Engineering And Problem Solving With Technology
Suggested Citation: Russo, M., & Herdzina, J. (2021, March). Lesson plan examples. Erikson Institute’s Technology in Early Childhood Center. https://www.erikson.edu/news/lesson-plan-examples
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