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Inside Erikson | October 2023

a monthly comm(unity) newsletter

October 2023 - Welcome to the October edition of the Inside Erikson newsletter!

October 1 marks the beginning of Banned Books Week. This annual observation, which began 40 years ago, is a week dedicated to celebrating the freedom to read and spotlighting current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools. Erikson Institute is committed to raising awareness about the detrimental impact that banning books has on the social and emotional wellbeing of young children and the development of literacy and critical thinking in the context of socio-political texts. Keep an eye out for our month-long campaign amplifying this message and celebrating banned books through email trivia, social media and blog posts. To start things off, we invite you to read our latest blog written by Edward Neisser Library Director, Karen Janke, titled “Banned Books Week: What is it and How Did We Get Here?

Erikson Updates

FAN’s new partnership with Zero to Three’s HealthySteps program

Pictured (center) is Erikson’s Dr. Linda Gilkerson and symposium attendees

Pictured (center) is Erikson’s Dr. Linda Gilkerson and symposium attendees

Erikson’s Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN) team has recently collaborated with Zero to Three’s HealthySteps program to lead a full day FAN symposium at the 2023 Zero to Three Learn Conference. The conference was held last month in Palm Springs, California and the symposium was attended by over 100 HealthySteps specialists from across the country. HealthySteps Specialists are child development and infant mental health specialists who work side by-side with pediatricians. Thanks to this partnership, HealthySteps specialists will be incorporating the FAN model as a tool to implement early relational healthcare in pediatric settings. Learn more about HealthySteps here. Pictured above (center) is Erikson’s Dr. Linda Gilkerson and symposium attendees.

Upcoming Erikson Events

Purchase your ticket to Erikson’s 2023 Luncheon before October 13

Erikson Institute 2023 Annual Luncheon | Save the Date - Friday October 27 | 11:30 am | Marriott Marquis Keynote Speaker Stacey Abrams

Erikson’s Annual Luncheon will be held on October 27 featuring voting rights activist and best-selling author Stacey Abrams. We would be honored to have you with us for this special event. Tickets and sponsorships are now available. Learn more here

Beyond the Numbers

Beyond the Numbers: Centering Communities in the Data Narrative | October 26 | 10am - 12pm

Erikson Institute

Erikson’s Policy and Leadership team introduces Beyond the Numbers, a two-hour, interactive workshop focused on the power of the data narrative and community engagement by examining data justice principles. This virtual workshop fosters critical thinking to interpret data and develop data narratives that center communities. Participants can expect to gain an enhanced understanding of data equity, improved data-driven decision-making processes and new ideas for using data to tell stories, and tools to share impact and communicate data effectively. Learn more and register here

Erikson in the News

Atena Danner, Associate Director of Learning and Facilitation for Erikson’s Policy and Leadership Team, was recently featured on WTTW/Chicago PBS’ Black Voices for a segment discussing the funding crisis currently affecting thousands of families and many childcare providers across the state of Illinois. Learn more and watch the video recording here

Erikson’s Research Professor, Juliet Bromer, was featured in a Chalkbeat Chicago article on Illinois Action for Children’s new report about the lack of availability of convenient and affordable childcare options in Cook County. Read the article here

Erikson Institute and Barbara Taylor Bowman were recently featured in a NAEYC’s YOUNG CHILDREN article titled “Family/Community Contexts and the Problem of Half-Truths in Early Childhood Education.” If you are a NAEYC member, you can access the article here

Careers at Erikson

We’re hiring for a variety of roles that support our mission. Please check out new opportunities here and share widely with your networks.

About Erikson

Graduate Education

Recognized for our groundbreaking work in the field of early childhood, Erikson specializes in preparing child development, education, and social work leaders to improve the lives of young children, families, and their communities. For more information on our degree and certificate programs, visit our website or email our admissions team.

Clinical and Community Services

Erikson’s Center for Children and Families offers pediatric mental health services for children birth to age 8 and their families. Services can be provided in both English and Spanish, and are available to families regardless of their ability to pay.

Policy and Leadership

Erikson’s Policy and Leadership department engages leaders in government, business, and nonprofit sectors to inform effective policies that benefit children and families. They offer unique programming that equips decision-makers and influencers with the resources, skills, and deep knowledge about early childhood development that will support their efforts to make lasting change. Learn more about our Policy and Leadership

Give to Erikson

The first 1,800 days of life set the stage for a child’s long-term physical and emotional health, socioeconomic trajectory, life expectancy, happiness, and well-being. Can we count on you to make a gift to strengthen our ability to serve children and families, as well as our students, faculty, and staff, during this time? Your support for Erikson prepares the heroes in young children’s lives—teachers, social workers, civic leaders, parents and caregivers—to get them safely through this crisis so they can soar into promising futures. Please donate here

More Ways to Connect

Learn more about Erikson’s Early Math Collaborative and TEC Center.

Join the Erikson family with monthly news + events updates shared by academics, community members, and families.