Erikson Faculty Strongly Represented at 2024 AERA Conference
An unprecedented turn out of Erikson faculty members will represent the institute at the 2024 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference to be held April 11-14 in Philadelphia. It is the largest gathering of educational researchers in the country. The theme is “Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action.”
The Erikson faculty participating in AERA by presenting research, facilitating scholarly conversations or supporting AERA’s work as leaders within the organization are:
- Jordan Bell, Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow
- Ayanna F. Brown, AVP for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Ana Gediel, Post Doctoral Researcher
- Meghan Green, Assistant Professor
- Seulki Ku, Assistant Professor
- Maxine McKinney de Royston, Dean of Faculty
- Samantha Melvin, Assistant Research Professor
- Amanda Moreno, Associate Professor
- Sandra Osorio, Associate Professor
- Lilly Padía, Assistant Professor
- Mariana Souto-Manning, President
Type “Erikson Institute” in to the search bar on the AERA Annual Meeting site to see the wide range of conference sessions that our Erikson scholars are participating in.
AERA, a national research society, strives to advance knowledge about education to encourage scholarly inquiry and to promote the use of research to improve education and serve the public good.
Members of AERA belong to one or more of the association’s 12 divisions and over 150 special interest groups (SIGs). Erikson President Mariana Souto-Manning is the 2022-2025 Vice President AERA Division K (Teaching and Teacher Education).
Graduate student members also enjoy ongoing communication and support provided by the Graduate Student Council (GSC). In addition, the AERA Consortium of University and Research Institutions provides a forum for academic institutions, departments, non-university-based research institutions and professional associations to share information about federal education research issues, people and events and shaping policy with research.
This remarkable representation from Erikson illustrates great progress toward Erikson’s goal to contribute to knowledge generation via research.
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