- B.A., Columbia University, New York
- M.S. in education, Bank Street College of Education, New York
- Ph.D. in human development, University of Chicago, Chicago
Research interests
Workforce development and quality improvement in home-based child care settings, relationship-based approaches to professional development, family and community support roles of child care providers, and the role of family-provider relationships in early care and education.
Research Projects
- Home-Based Child Care Supply and Quality (2019-2024)
- Multi-Site Study of Family Child Care Decline and Supply: Examining the Factors Behind the Numbers (2019-present)
Research on Family Child Care Networks
- Building Home-Based Child Care Networks: Research & Resources for the Field (2021 – 2023)
- National Study of Family Child Care Networks (2017-2020)
- Family Child Care Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative Pilot (2018-2019)
- Philadelphia Family Child Care Collaborative Project (2016-2022)
- Family Child Care Specialist Training Project (2012-2015)
- The Family Child Care Network Impact Study (2008-2009)
Research on Family Engagement
- Family & Community Engagement in Illinois’s QRIS (ExceleRate) (2014-2015)
- North Lawndale Community Connections Caregiver Clusters Evaluation (2012-2015)
- Family-Provider Partnerships (2010-2015)
Select publications
- Bromer, J., Porter, T., Melvin, S., & Ragonese-Barnes, M. (2021). Family Child Care Educators’ Perspectives on Leaving, Staying, and Entering the Field: Findings from the Multi-State Study of Family Child Care Decline and Supply. Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute. https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/FCD_DeclineStudy_2021.pdf
- Porter, T., Ragonese-Barnes, M., Melvin, S., & Bromer, J. (2021). Family child care educators speak out: A research-to-policy brief from the Multi-State Study of Family Child Care Decline and Supply. Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute. https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/FCCEducatorsSpeakOut_2021_BRIEF.pdf
- Porter, T., Ragonese-Barnes, M., Melvin, S., Baquedano, J., & Bromer, J. (2021). Familia cuidado de niños los educadores hablan: Un informe de investigación a política del Estudio Multiestatal sobre el Deterioro y la Oferta de Cuidado Infantil Familiar. Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute. https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/FCCEducatorsSpeakOut_2021_BRIEF_Spanish.pdf
- Bromer, J., Porter, T., Jones, C., Ragonese-Barnes, M., & Orland, J. (2021). Quality in home-based child care: A review of selected literature, OPRE Report # 2021-136, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/HBCCSQ_LiteratureReview_2021-Remediated.pdf
- Porter, T., Ragonese-Barnes, M., & Bromer, J. (2021). Building comprehensive home-based child care networks: Evaluation Toolkit. Home Grown and Erikson Institute. https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/HomeGrown-Erikson-EVALUATION-TOOLKIT.pdf
- Bromer, J., Melvin, S., Porter, T., & Ragonese-Barnes, M. (2021). The shifting supply of regulated family child care in the U.S.: A literature review and conceptual model. Chicago, IL: Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute. https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The_shifting_supply_of_regulated_FCC_in_the_US_2021_LITREVIEW.pdf
- Porter, T., Ragonese-Barnes, M., Melvin, S., & Bromer, J. (2021). Understanding the shifting supply of regulated family child care in the U.S.: A research-to-policy brief. Chicago, IL: Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute. https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Understanding_the_shifting_supply_of_regulated_FCC_in_the_US_2021_BRIEF.pdf
- Porter, T., Bromer, J., Melvin, S., Ragonese-Barnes, M., & Molloy, P. (2020). Family child care providers: Unsung heroes in the COVID-19 crisis. Chicago, IL: Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute. https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Family-Child-Care-Providers_Unsung-Heroes-in-the-COVID-19-Crisis.pdf
- Porter, T., Bromer, J., Melvin, S., Ragonese-Barnes, M., Baquedano, J., & Molloy, P. (2020). Provedores de cuidado infantil familiar: Heroes desconocidos en la crisis del COVID-19. Chicago, IL: Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute.https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Provedores-de-Cuidado-Infantil-Familiar_Heroes-Desconocidos-en-la-Crisis-del-COVID-19.pdf
- Bromer, J., Ragonese-Barnes, M., & Porter, T. (2020). Inside family child care networks: Supporting quality and sustainability. Chicago, IL: Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute. https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Inside-FCC-networks-Case-Studies-2020.pdf
- Porter, T., & Bromer, J. (2020). Delivering services to meet the needs of home-based child care providers: Findings from the director interviews sub-study of the National Study of Family Child Care Networks. Chicago, IL: Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute. https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Delivering-Services-to-Meet-the-Needs-of-HBCC-National-Study-of-Family-Child-Care-Network.pdf
- Bromer, J., Molloy, P., Porter, T.B., & Reardon, M. (2020). Erikson Institute’s Family Child Care Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative Pilot: Lessons Learned. Chicago, IL: Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute. https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Lessons-Learned-Brief-2020.pdf
- Bromer, J. & Porter, T.B. (2019). Mapping the Family Child Care Network Landscape: Findings from the National Study of Family Child Care Networks. Chicago, IL: Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute.
- Executive summary: https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/FCC-Network-Landscape_Executive-Summary_Erikson-Institute_Jan2019.pdf
- Full Technical Report: https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/FCC-Network-Landscape_Technical-Report_Erikson-Institute_Jan2019.pdf
- Statistical Tables: https://www.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/FCC-Network-Landscape_Statistical-Tables_Erikson-Institute_Jan2019.pdf
- Bromer, J. & Porter, T.B. (2017). Staffed Family Child Care Networks: A Research-Informed Strategy for Supporting High-Quality Family Child Care. National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance, Office of Child Care. https://childcareta.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/public/fcc_networks_brief_0.pdf
- Bromer, J. & Korfmacher, J. (2017). Providing high-quality support services to home-based child care: A conceptual model and literature review. Early education and development. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10409289.2016.1256720
- Bromer, J. & Weaver, C. (2016). Supporting family child care and quality improvement: findings from an exploratory survey of Illinois child care resource and referral agency staff. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 10 (4). https://ijccep.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40723-016-0020-8
- Bromer, J., McCabe, L.A., & Porter, T. (2013). Special section on understanding and improving quality in family child care: Introduction and commentary. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28 (4), 875-879. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2013.08.003
- Bromer, J. & Bibbs, T. (2011) Relationship-based professional development for support staff and quality improvement in family child care: From research to program development. Zero to Three Special Issue on Family Child Care.
- Bromer, J., Paulsell, D., Porter, T., Weber, R., Henly, J., & Ramsburg, D. (2011). Family-sensitive caregiving: A key component of quality in early care and education. In M. Zaslow, K. Tout, T. Halle, & I. Martinez-Beck (Eds.), Next Steps in the Measurement of Quality in Early Childhood Settings. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing
Juliet Bromer is a research scientist at Erikson Institute. Bromer’s research focuses on examining programs and systems that support the home-based child care workforce and quality improvement. Through her collaborations with researchers and local, state, and federal policy makers and quality improvement initiatives over the past two decades, she has developed a deep knowledge of the systems that shape the home-based child care landscape including subsidy, QRIS, accreditation, and licensing. Currently, she leads three national studies focused on home-based child care including: 1) a new federally-funded project to examine home-based child care supply and quality, 2) a multi-year national research initiative examining the quality of support offered by family child care networks to home-based child care providers, and 3) an exploratory study on the decline of family child care in four states.